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Lincoln Manor Childcare

Beamsville Childcare

Grimsby Childcare
Waitlist Policy
The Chestnut Tree Preschool Child Care Centres, will not charge parents a fee or deposit for the placement of their child on a waiting list for an unsecured spot in our child care programs. Families that would like to be waitlisted for child care at The Chestnut Tree Preschool will:
*Submit an online application to the Niagara Child Care Registry
*Need to provide information about their family on the application form
*Place their child on as many lists (child care programs) as they wish
*Not be a charged a fee to be placed on the waitlist
*For assistance with the website, contact OneHSN Support at 1-888-722-1540 or
*The Program Supervisor or designate will contact the family when a child care space becomes available at the centre that the parent has selected
*Families will be offered admission from the waitlist based on space available of required age group and date of request
*Information will only be accessed by the centre supervisor or designate and is password protected to ensure that the child’s information remains confidential
*Families may contact the child care centre directly to inquire about their position on the waitlist for admission
Registration Form
**NOTE 1: To join our waitlist, complete the registration form below, no need to upload the package yet, and then add your details to the Niagara Region Child Care Registry here.
**NOTE 2: Download and complete the Registration Package first (see above), then upload it here.
**NOTE 3: Please do not upload your Registration Package until you have been contacted by our Enrolment Co-ordinator, clearing you from the waitlist for an available location and start date.